There is a big difference between a professional counselor and a person who uses some counseling skills as part of their role, for example their role as a friend or colleague. A professional counselor is a highly trained individual who is able to use a different range of counseling approaches with their clients.
Carrer Counselling
- Career Selection using Assessment to know Potential/Interest/Aptitude( Class-IX-XII)
- Education Counselling(VI-XII)
- Students’ Counselling( Toddlers-XII)
- Concentration problem etc. ( Toddlers-XII)
- Adolescent Counselling covering students’ relationship break up, depression, anxiety etc.( Students of any education Level).
Student Monitoring
- Concentration practice
- How to stay motivated being soothing the process of achievement of goal and target
- Increasing the skill of alternative way of thinking in coping up with the newly generated stress of life as stress is natural
- Communication practice for expressing what students actually think being free of all hesitations: the whole environment should be resistance free
- Vocational skill development using their own suggestions and competencies just to prove to themselves how confident they are to make it in reality only by using their intellect with a pinch of courage to develop more.
- Many more on the basis of demand of the process.
Relationship Counselling
- Family Counselling
- Pre-marriage Counselling
- Love-in-relationship Counselling
- Marital mal- adjustment
- Triangular love affair
- Extra marital relationship
- Boyfriend-girlfriend love – in-relationship crisis
Senior Citizens Care
- How to overcome loneliness
- Feeling of Insecurity
- Management of empty nest problem
- Depression being left by son/daughter because of either service or higher studies
- Consistently low mood
- Physiological incapability: because of illness or any other chronic disease
- Agony from loss of spouse
- Lack of confidence because of friends’ sudden death
- old-age illness